A condo near White Tower
This apartment is a renovation of an old building in London, England. The White Tower, a landmark building in London, can be seen from the window.
FDD五朝设计通过精准定位,运用现代设计手法打造出国际范的高级私人公寓,用作品征服客户。FDD design by precise positioning, using modern design techniques to create an international style of high-end private apartments, with works to conquer customers.
FDD五朝國際設計機構( Five Dynasty Design 简称 FDD)由中國著名設計師JIMI周青先生創建,融合国际合伙人共同发展,是國內專業的酒店設計整合機構 /一带一路顶级富豪的私人定制首选,五朝团队坚持原创,秉承中外傳統文化之精髓,融合國際創新藝術之靈魂,以獨具一格的設計角度,為全球客户提供最专业的建筑室内設計服務。