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The award ceremony of 2018 Asia Pacific Designer Competition ended perfectly, and FDD won the highest honor

FDD五朝国际设计机构荣获"2018亚太地区最具影响力设计机构 " ,"2018亚太地区十大先锋设计机构"等荣誉称号。

The 2018 Asia Pacific Designers Competition, co sponsored by the Hong Kong Institute of Interior Designers and the Asia Pacific Designers Competition Organizing Committee, held a grand award ceremony at the Sheraton Greater China Hotel in Shenzhen on the afternoon of October 31. This competition was guided by Mr. Gao Wen'an, "the father of Hong Kong interior design" and honorary president of the Hong Kong Institute of Interior Designers, who proposed that designers must learn from each other and share resources. He hoped that the 2018 Asia Pacific Designer Competition would gather more Chinese forces around the world.  由香港室内设计师协会、亚太设计师大赛组委会共同主办的2018亚太设计师大赛于10月31日下午在深圳大中华喜来登酒店隆重举行颁奖典礼。本次大赛得到了“香港室内设计之父”、香港室内设计师协会名誉会长高文安先生的倾心指导,他提出,设计师之间必须互相学习,资源共享,希望2018亚太设计师大赛聚集全球更多华人力量。

On the day of the award ceremony, nearly 200 famous designers from home and abroad gathered to witness this exciting moment. With the wonderful opening words of the host, the award ceremony officially kicked off.  颁奖典礼当天现场海内外近200名设计大咖会聚一堂,共同见证这一激动人心的时刻。随着主持人精彩的开场词,本次颁奖典礼正式拉开序幕。在设计师论坛环节,现场各位大咖云集,大师们的分享可谓是精彩绝伦。大家各抒己见,提出设计师要走出国门,广泛交流,提升创新思维,打造个性化设计。同时,将设计与艺术融合,提升设计的价值,增强品牌影响力。

FDD Jimi Chou (second from left) came to the stage to receive the award.  FDD五朝国际设计机构创始人周青先生(左二)上台领奖

Group photo of guests 嘉宾合影留念

The award ceremony ended and the Asia Pacific celebrity dinner arrived as scheduled. That night, people gathered together to drink and cheer. Singing and dancing on the stage, laughing and laughing off the stage. For a moment, the scene was extremely warm. Designers from all over the world exchange and learn from each other and share their experiences. I believe that we will support each other and make progress together in the future.  颁奖典礼结束,亚太名流晚宴如期而至。当晚,众人齐聚一堂,觥筹交错,把酒言欢。台上欢歌劲舞,台下欢声笑语。一时之间,场面热烈至极。来自五湖四海的设计师们相互交流学习,分享各自的心得。相信大家在今后的日子也会相互扶持共同进步。

It is worth mentioning that in this award ceremony, FDD won the honorary titles of "2018 Asia Pacific Most Influential Design Institute" and "2018 Asia Pacific Top Ten Pioneer Design Institutions". Since its establishment, FDD has won numerous awards in just four years. But I still keep my original intention and stick to it. Design projects have spread all over the world, and they are the pioneers of Chinese design moving towards the the Belt and Road. They are fighting bravely for the goal of Chinese design moving towards the world! 值得一提的是在本次颁奖盛典中,FDD五朝国际设计机构荣获"2018亚太地区最具影响力设计机构 " ,"2018亚太地区十大先锋设计机构"等荣誉称号。FDD自成立以来,短短4年时间,一路披荆斩棘,斩获大小奖项无数。但仍不忘初心,坚持如一。设计项目遍及全球,是中国设计走向一带一路的先驱者,为中国设计走向世界的目标,奋勇拼搏!

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