五朝走向五洲  设计绽放世界
FDD to five continents
design bloom world



Construction of the K Hotel in Cameroon is nearing completion


Construction of Cameroon's K Hotel, which took three years to build by FDD Five Dynasties International Design Agency, is coming to an end. Marking the Belt and Road of the international FDD Hotel Project, few people may know how difficult it is to complete a high-quality hotel project in Africa. 由FDD五朝国际设计机构历时三年精心打造的喀麦隆K酒店施工进入尾声。标志着FDD一带一路国际化酒店项目即将落地,可能很少有人知道,在非洲能完成一个高品质的酒店项目是多么的不容易。

Room photos came from the scene, in addition to surprise, more is a kind of inexplicable touched! 现场传来客房照片,除了惊喜,更多的是一种莫名的感动!

Each material is imported from China, and the history of Cameroon in the background are port photos from the Museum of Chinese history, where the black-and-white prints of our country from more than 20 years ago are still used, hanging Pictures like this is an extravagance in the local area. 每一个材料都是从中国进口,客房背景挂画是喀麦隆历史博物馆保存下来的港口照片,当地还是使用我国20几年前黑白照片的冲洗方式,悬挂这样的照片画在当地是极其奢侈的事情。

“At the beginning of 2019, when I was invited to the Cameroon project site to communicate with the client, I was very worried about the impact of the project,” recalled Jimi, the chief designer. 总设计师周青先生回忆到:“2019年初,受邀去到喀麦隆项目现场跟客户沟通时还非常担心项目的落地效果问题。”

Now I am relieved to see the photos of the finished guest room. 如今看到客房即将完工的照片,也算松了一口气。

The design of K Hotel in Cameroon is about to be launched, which will accelerate the further internationalization of FDD design. 喀麦隆K酒店设计方案即将落地,将加速FDD五朝设计的进一步国际化步伐。

上一篇:一场关于生活美学、当代艺术、人文设计的思享会,给你一个故事,给你带来不一样的精彩人生。      下一篇:2021广东省装饰行业高峰论坛暨“岭南杯”颁奖盛典圆满落幕,五朝设计作为颁奖嘉宾特邀出席。