The luxurious living space of the richest man
阿尔及利亚,全称阿尔及利亚民主人民共和国,官方语言是阿尔及利亚阿拉伯语,通用法语,伊斯兰教是国教,首都阿尔及尔,位于非洲西北部,北临地中海,东临突尼斯、利比亚,南与尼泊尔、马里和毛里塔尼亚接壤,西与摩洛哥、西撒哈拉交界。南北线长约2000千米,东西最宽约1800千米,海岸线长约1200公里。The official language is Algerian Arabic, the common language is French, Islam is the state religion, and the capital, Algiers, is located in the north-west of Africa, north of the Mediterranean, it borders Tunisia and Libya to the east, Nepal, Mali and the Mauritania to the south, and Morocco and Western Sahara to the west. The north-south line is about 2,000 km long, the widest is about 1,800 km from east to west, and the coastline is about 1,200 km long.
FDD五朝国际设计团队在本设计中结合当地特色的异国风情,以海洋共舞为主题,结合现代、张扬、柔美的空间中,触碰柔软,感受细腻。FDD Five Dynasties International Design Team in the design of exotic local characteristics, to the sea dance as the theme, combined with modern, publicity, soft space, soft touch, feel delicate.
FDD设计团队从建筑设计改良、景观设计、室内设计、灯光设计等一体化设计,历时近2年。FDD design team from the architectural design improvement, landscape design, interior design, lighting design and other integrated design, lasted nearly 2 years.
FDD五朝國際設計機構( Five Dynasty Design 简称 FDD)由中國著名設計師JIMI周青先生創建,融合国际合伙人共同发展,是國內專業的酒店設計整合機構 /一带一路顶级富豪的私人定制首选,五朝团队坚持原创,秉承中外傳統文化之精髓,融合國際創新藝術之靈魂,以獨具一格的設計角度,為全球客户提供最专业的建筑室内設計服務。